Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Process Begins...

We're three rehearsals into Grand Night, and things are looking pretty cool. I'm standing here listening to Maria Egler, Emily Levey, and Dorea Schmidt sing some beautifully tight harmonies on an Andrews Sisters-eque arrangement of "I'm Gonna Wash that Man Right Outta My Hair", and being actively reminded why I'm a huge musical theatre nerd. I live for this kind of clever arrangement, and this kind of talent singing it.

Who am I? I am the stage manager. I am John. I am literally the figurative fly on the wall (if that makes sense), and looking forward to sharing cool stuff as it happens.

Stay tuned for behind the scenes nuggets, featuring these talented ladies, the also-talented gentlemen, and as many guests as can be mustered up in the next 22 days.

They say enthusiasm is contagious. Consider me infected.

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